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 When a family member passes and you have been left out of the will or if you think that you have not been adequately provided for in the will, you could consider disputing the will by making a family provision claim. Making a family provision claim would enable an eligible family member to receive a greater share of the deceased’s estate. We are observing an increasing rise of will disputes and contested estates.  

Who is Eligible to make a Family Provision claim?

In New South Wales, section 57 of the Succession Act 2006 allows certain people to make a family provision claim, for provision from a deceased person’s estate. The categories of “eligible persons’’ include: [...]  READ MORE →

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Notional Estate – what does it mean

Notional Estate – what does it mean?


Will disputes, matters relating to distribution of a deceased estate, contested wills and the rights of beneficiaries are issues that an experienced will lawyer understands.

 For various reasons, a will maker may form an opinion that they are not morally obligated, or duty bound to make provision for certain persons in their will. For example, where a will maker has been estranged from their child for several years, they may not feel duty bound tomake any provision for this child.

 In the context of blended families, will makers often are faced with hard decisions about who they would like to benefit more from their estate given the competing financial needs of adult children from their previous relationship and their current spouse. Having made those hard decisions, asking an experienced wills lawyer to prepare the will or will update will lessen the risk of a successful will dispute. [...]  READ MORE →