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Divorce lawyer advice after separation and the operation of the ‘clean break’ Principle

Engaging a divorce lawyer when separating from your partner can be daunting. It is important that you understand your legal rights relating to your financial position both in your relationship and moving forward.

The Principle

It is in the Court’s view that it should seek “as far as practicable (to) make such orders as will finally determine the financial relationships between the parties…and to avoid further proceedings between them.” This is referred to as the ‘clean break’ principle under s 81 of the Family Law Act or s 90ST for de facto parties. Specifically, a divorce lawyer will tell you that the general approach of the Court is to avoid issuing long term spousal maintenance orders. In other words, spousal maintenance is not and should not be ordered with the intent that it be payable for life. Instead, it is designed as a temporary order to allow parties to restructure their finances and or living expenses. For example, a spousal maintenance order can be made to cover a period where the party is completing coursework or training which enables him or her to re-enter the workforce. [...]  READ MORE →

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Why you need to speak to a family law lawyer when thinking about a Prenuptial Agreement

At Matthews Folbigg Lawyers we work closely with our clients to ensure they are well aware of their entitlements when undertaking a property settlement. Matthews Folbigg family law specialists regularly provide professional advice to clients about how to protect their assets in the event their marriage or relationship breaks down, by entering into a prenuptial agreement.

Our lawyers have extensive experience in drafting prenuptial agreements.

Why you need to seek advice from a family law lawyer about obtaining a prenuptial agreement?

Prenuptial agreements are very complicated and require strict compliance with the legislation for the prenuptial agreement to be valid. A prenuptial agreement is binding on the parties to the Agreement if, and only if: [...]  READ MORE →

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Why should you speak to a separation lawyer about who keeps the engagement ring?

In New South Wales the leading case concerning who keeps the engagement ring is Papathanasopoulos v Vacopoulos [2007]. Mr V and Ms P were engaged to be married in 2005, but 10 days after their engagement party Ms P called it off. Shortly after calling off the engagement Ms P attempted to return the ring to Mr V, only to retain it in a box with other mementos from the failed relationship. There the ring was destined to stay, until an interaction on the phone between the parties further soured their interactions; to the extent that Ms P instructed her father to throw the box of mementos, including the ring, in the garbage. Mr V, upon learning of the ring’s fate, brought a claim against Ms P in the Supreme Court for the value of the ring, being $15,250. [...]  READ MORE →

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The Role of Child Support Lawyers

Child support is an issue likely to transpire for parties separating with children. It is the way in which separated parents address their financial responsibility to their children.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics defines child support as:

“Cash or in-kind payments towards the financial well-being of children. These payments are usually made by the non-resident parent to the parent who has primary care of the children.”

What is the Child Support Agency?

The agency is a Government Human Services department that has the primary role of registering, assessing and collecting payments. [...]  READ MORE →

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Prenuptial Agreement

Going into a marriage or de facto relationship, couples do not plan to fail, however often couples fail to plan, overlooking benefits that a prenuptial agreement may have.

A binding financial agreement is a way that couples can plan out the potential future rights or obligations of either party in the event that the relationship doesn’t work out. Such an agreement can be made before or after entering the marriage or de facto relationship.

What can the agreement include?

Prenuptial agreements can cover a range of assets, financial resources and liabilities that are often precluded from individuals minds. Such areas other than income that may be addressed by a prenuptial agreement may include: [...]  READ MORE →

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Deed of Release prevented claim against Employer


In a recent Federal Circuit Court decision, a college teacher who claimed she was suffering from a psychological disability attempted to render her Deed of Release – signed in 2007 – invalid. However, due to a lack of medical evidence her claim was unsuccessful.

The Facts [...]  READ MORE →

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Separation Lawyer and Property Orders

Clients often ask their separation lawyer, “What kind of property Orders will the Court make?”

In the 2012 case of Stanford; the Appeal Court of the Family Court decided that in some cases, the Court may decline to make any property Orders between partners who have separated. Most parties who commence their case in the Court expect that the Judge will make some type of Order for a property adjustment.
In the case of Stanford, divorce lawyers saw that sometimes the Court will not make any order. Before the Court makes an Order the separation lawyer needs to be able to show that it is just and equitable to do so. [...]  READ MORE →