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By Anica Cunanan, Solicitor at Matthews Folbigg in the Insolvency, Restructuring and Debt Recovery Group

Is having a judgment against a personal debtor enough to serve a bankruptcy notice and bankrupt the debtor? Can you make a debtor bankrupt by serving a bankruptcy notice? What else do you need to know to bankrupt a personal debtor?

A creditor serving a bankruptcy notice is the first step to potentially making a debtor bankrupt. The bankruptcy notice must be based on a judgment against a personal debtor in an Australia court and be less than 6 years old. [...]  READ MORE →

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Collecting Money: Which court should I pick?

By Bonnie McMahon an Associate of Matthews Folbigg, in our Insolvency, Restructuring and Debt Recovery Group

When collecting money from a debtor in NSW, it is important to ensure that you are collecting money in the right court.

  • Collecting money under $20,000 – When collecting money which is under $20,000, debt collection proceedings should be commenced in the Small Claims Division of the Local Court of NSW.
  • Collecting money over $20,000 but under $100,000 – When collecting money which is over $20,000 but under $100,000, debt collection proceedings should be commenced in the General Division of the Local Court of NSW. However, there are some circumstances where collecting money up to $120,000 can be done in the Local Court, although you will normally need the consent of the debtor.
  • Collecting money over $100,000 but under $750,000 – When collecting money which is over $100,000 but under $750,000, debt collection proceedings should be commenced in the District Court of NSW. However, like the Local Court, the District Court can hear debt collection matters up to $1,125,000, provided no party objects to the matter being heard in the District Court.
  • Collecting money over $750,000 – When collecting money over $750,000, debt recovery proceedings should generally be commenced in the Supreme Court of NSW.

What happens if you are collecting money by debt collection proceedings in the wrong court?

If you are collecting money in the Supreme Court and you obtain a judgment for less than $500,000, you may not be able to recover costs from the debtor, unless the Supreme Court is satisfied that commencing debt collection proceedings in the Supreme Court was warranted. [...]  READ MORE →

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By Anica Cunanan, Solicitor at Matthews Folbigg in the Insolvency, Restructuring and Debt Recovery Group

Has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your approach to debt collection? Have you deferred debt collection, or accepted payment arrangements on matters which you would have previously sent for debt collection? The last few years have certainly tested the limits of creditors’ willingness to defer debt collection. However with debt collection generosity comes the very real risk that some amounts may no longer be available for debt collection. When considering leniency with your debt collection, it is important to know your limitations. [...]  READ MORE →

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Enforcing Environmental Laws in the Land and Environment Court

The Land and Environment Court operates in a specialist jurisdiction dealing with cases that relate to mining, planning, the environment, local government and development. The Land and Environment Court was established by legislation and can only deal with matters that fall within its jurisdiction.

Civil Enforcement

Most environmental proceedings within NSW can be enforced through civil proceedings in the courts, particularly the Land and Environment Court where there is an alleged breach of an environmental law.

Civil action in the courts can be used to obtain court orders to prevent environmental harm from occurring which is beneficial as often in criminal proceedings, legal action is reactive and taken after harm has already been caused. For example an injunction can be sought in the Land and Environment Court to prevent an incident that would cause environmental harm. [...]  READ MORE →