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By Anica Cunanan, Solicitor at Matthews Folbigg in the Insolvency, Restructuring and Debt Recovery Group

An effective debt collection system is critical to businesses who provide goods or services “on credit”. But how to go about debt collection whilst still trying to maintain good customer relationships?

In our experience, nothing poisons a business relationship like bad debt collection. At the risk of sounding heretical, sometimes the customer is not right, when they simply refuse to pay for no reason. The value of such customer relationship might be doubted, and the method debt collection may not matter. But in other cases, the customer just needs a gentle (or possibly less gentle!) debt collection technique. In all cases, the question is this: How does a business continue to manage a customer relationship whilst ensuring that their account is paid on time? [...]  READ MORE →

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By Anica Cunanan, Solicitor at Matthews Folbigg in the Insolvency, Restructuring and Debt Recovery Group

Finding trouble collecting money? Matthews Folbigg Lawyers understand how challenging and delicate collecting money can be – especially, when you are collecting money from someone you know or alternatively, collecting money from someone to whom you are still providing goods and/or services.

At Matthews Folbigg Lawyers, we have demonstrated experience with collecting money from debtors who have had a business relationship breakdown with a creditor or alternatively, collecting money from debtors who continue to have business relationships with their creditors. Collecting money, no matter the dynamic between the creditor and debtor, can be a very delicate situation. [...]  READ MORE →

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By Anica Cunanan, Solicitor at Matthews Folbigg in the Insolvency, Restructuring and Debt Recovery Group

Greater Sydney is currently in a lockdown and has remained in the dark with respect to whether, and when businesses would receive some relief.

Last year, the Federal Government introduced the JobKeeper scheme to assist with keeping businesses afloat (including employees within those businesses) through of the payment of wage subsidies subject to certain criteria.

The Morrison and Berejiklian Governments have announced that NSW businesses will finally receive some relief as we enter the fourth week of lockdown in NSW. It is evident that regardless of whether lockdown is in fact extended past 30 July 2021, businesses have already experienced a substantial hit. Should lockdown continue to be extended, we may see plenty of businesses struggling to make it through this lockdown. [...]  READ MORE →

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COVID-19 –What Debt will Scuttle Passage to the New Safe Harbours?

By Ellen Ferris, a Solicitor in Matthews Folbigg’s Insolvency, Restructuring and Debt Recovery Group.

Amendments in March of this year have brought about changes to the Corporations Act 2001 which allow for an additional temporary safe harbour to protect directors from insolvent trading, –  see our blog here.

However, companies do not automatically qualify for the protection. To qualify, the debt must be incurred as follows:

  • In the ordinary course of the company’s business;
  • During the six month period starting from the date the new law commenced (being 24 March 2020); and
  • Before any appointment of an administrator or liquidator.

The evidentiary burden of proof is on the person seeking to rely on the safe harbour relief, which means that it will be up to directors to make sure they obtain and keep evidence that their debt meets the criteria. [...]  READ MORE →

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New – Proposed Changes to Single Touch Payroll including Jail Terms

The Federal Government has recently proposed legislation which formalises new payroll reporting obligations and which imposes greater penalties on employers and other individuals who refuse to remit PAYG withholding tax and superannuation contributions.

By way of recap:

  • in 2016 legislation was passed introducing Single Touch Payroll (STP) reporting
  • STP reporting requires employers to report to the ATO payments such as salaries and wages, PAYG withholding and super information at the same time that wages are paid to employees
  • the legislation requires that all employers with 20 or more employees comply with STP reporting obligations from 1 July 2018
  • for initial purposes, the calculation of the number of employees is to be undertaken on 1 April 2018
  •  [...]  READ MORE →

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    Thinking about purchasing a franchise? Ask a commercial lawyer for advice

    If you have ever thought about purchasing a franchise you should firstly obtain the advice of a commercial lawyer. Here are a few tips to consider:

  • Does this franchise suit your lifestyle? You should do some research into the time and expertise required to carry on the franchise business.
  • Have a business plan – ensure you obtain advice in order to have a well-rounded appreciation of the risks involved in operating a franchise.
  • Due diligence – is the franchise you are buying a viable business? Can you speak with current franchisees to get further insight into the day-to-day operations of the business?
  • Obtain advice from a commercial lawyer. A franchise agreement may include hidden costs and fees that you may not be aware of. A commercial lawyer can provide advice to ensure you are well informed of your legal responsibilities and liabilities.
  •  [...]  READ MORE →

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    Terms of Trade – Does my business need them?

    Terms of Trade are the terms and conditions that govern how your business deals with its customers in the sale and supply of goods and services. It is important to put these terms in writing (i.e. to form an agreement or contract) to ensure your customers are made aware of both their rights and obligations.

    The Terms of Trade will cover such things as how orders are placed and accepted, price, payment terms, delivery, cancellations and returns, risk and insurance of goods, warranties and ownership of any intellectual property in the goods. [...]  READ MORE →