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Critical Covid Response Items for EVERY Business and Employer


Critical Covid Response Items for EVERY Business and Employer

Business Contracts and Leases

Key questions to ask yourself in an effort to reduce losses being suffered:

  • can I use contractual and leasing force majeure provisions due to events beyond my reasonable control to cancel, suspend or renegotiate my contracts and leases?
  • what happens if I don’t have a force majeure provision?
  • can I use the “frustrated contracts” regime to my advantage?
  • is Covid a “material adverse event” for contractual purposes?
  • what time limits apply to exercise my rights and are there any mandatory procedural requirements I must follow to do so?

As the interaction between contractual wording, legal considerations, and the outcome sought are inherently fact specific, if you would like to discuss your options we invite you to contact a member of our Commercial Law Team on 9635 7966.


Does your contingency planning take into account these fundamental matters:

  • can I force staff to take leave?
  • can I stand down staff without pay?
  • can a redundancy in response to Covid still amount to an unfair dismissal?
  • what options do I have to reduce wages?

As this is the tip of the iceberg in terms of workplace considerations, and the answers to same require the application of relevant legislative, award, enterprise agreement, employment agreement and workplace policy provisions, we invite you to speak with our Employment Law Team on 9635 7966 to find a practical, commercially minded and lawful solution to your questions and concerns. [...]  READ MORE →

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ALERT: COVID-19 Impact on Working Holiday Visa Holders


Are you:

  • on a Working Holiday visa subclass 462 that is about to expire?
  • worried about the pandemic crisis preventing you from returning home?

New Rules

The Australian Government has recently announced changes to its policy which allows visa subclass 462 holders to extend their stay if they have completed either 3 months or 6 months of volunteer or paid bushfire recovery work in specified areas of Australia, including:

  • construction, farming, or any other work in association with the recovery of land, property and animals
  • providing support services or assistance to people in affected areas

Finer Details

The bushfire recovery work must have commenced after 31 July 2019 to be considered as ‘specified work’ towards eligibility for a second or third 462 visa. [...]  READ MORE →

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COVID-19: Critical Matters for Commercial & Retail Tenants and Landlords

New Laws

The NSW Government now has the power to set new rules for retail landlords and tenants, the details of which will be known in coming days.

Although the new laws (currently) only relate to retail leases, nevertheless there are substantial challenges for both commercial and retail tenants and landlords to consider as set out below arising from the COVID-19 situation.

What is expected?

For retail tenants and landlords it is expected that the new laws will address such matters as evictions, bank guarantees/bonds, tenant defaults, rent abatements, and mandatory/core trading hours. [...]  READ MORE →

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Social Media – Be On High Alert As To The Risks!

An important decision was handed down in 2019 by the New South Wales Supreme Court in Voller v Nationwide News Pty Ltd (and others) which is highly relevant to any business which uses social media to promote its activities.

In essence:

  • the matter concerned Dylan Voller, a young man who was featured in an ABC Four Corners story on abuse in youth detention centres
  • subsequent articles written about Voller were posted on the public Facebook pages of media companies News Corporation and Fairfax
  • Facebook users were allowed to post comments under the articles on Facebook, and Voller successfully pleaded that the users’ comments were defamatory
  • the Court held the media companies were the “publishers” of the comments and therefore responsible for any defamatory imputations contained in them even though they were not the authors of the comments
  • the Court held the media companies were liable because they knew, or ought to have known, that defamatory comments were being posted, and they did not remove the comments even though they had the power to moderate their public pages by deleting user comments
  • a significant factor in the judgment was that the companies used their public Facebook pages for the “commercial purpose” of promoting their businesses

You may ask “what has this got to do with businesses that are not media companies?

Well the Court’s ruling applies to any “publisher” of content, so a business which advertises itself by posting on Facebook or other social media will be under a duty to monitor any comments made by social media users. [...]  READ MORE →

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Excessive Surcharge Laws – Beware!

Does your business charge consumers a surcharge for processing credit and debit card payments?

If so, changes to the Competition and Consumer Act in 2016 mean companies are prohibited from charging customers excessive payment surcharges if:

  • it relates to a payment method covered by the Reserve Bank standard or regulations (this includes EFTPOS, Visa, MasterCard and Amex cards issued by an Australian financial service provider); and
  • the amount of the payment surcharge exceeds the permitted amount in the Reserve Bank standard or regulations (which generally must be no greater than the cost to the business of processing the payment)

2019 saw the first litigation brought by the ACCC under these laws. Previously it had dealt with contraventions by issuing infringement notices.

In the Federal Court case ACCC v CLA Trading Pty Ltd (trading as Europcar):

  • Europcar admitted to breaching the excessive surcharge laws in relation to 63,012 customers
  • although the amount over-charged was $67,215.59 (amounting to slightly more than $1 overcharged per customer), Europcar was ordered to pay a $350,000 penalty to the ACCC in addition to refunding the affected customers


We strongly recommend businesses review their payment terms and charges to ensure they are not in breach of the excessive surcharge laws as the cost to your business in penalties and reputational damage may exceed (many times over) any refundable amounts! [...]  READ MORE →

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Automatic Rollover Clauses – What Are Your Rights?

During 2019 we received many enquiries from small businesses looking to get out of contracts with “automatic rollover” provisions.

An automatic rollover provision is a clause in a contract which provides that the contract will automatically renew for an additional term unless one of the parties opts out by giving notice to the other party of its intention not to renew. These clauses raise concerns for small businesses as:

  • often the party is not aware of the automatic rollover provision when they sign the contract
  • the further term may be exceedingly long (eg, 3-5 years)
  • the notice period in order to opt out of the renewal may also be exceedingly long (eg, no less than 12 months before the expiry of the current term of the contract)

The good news is that a small business may have a remedy under the Australian Consumer Law’s unfair contract terms provisions if the following conditions are satisfied: [...]  READ MORE →

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Australian Consumer Law – Record breaking fines

2019 saw a continued trend of record-breaking fines imposed against companies for breaches of the Australian Consumer Law – for example:

  • Cornerstone Investments Pty Ltd (trading as Empower Institute) was fined $26.5 million – then the highest ever aggregate penalty order imposed under the Australian Consumer Law for misleading or deceptive conduct and unconscionable conduct
  • this was topped later in the year by Volkswagen’s record fine of $125 million for false and misleading representations in contravention of the Australian Consumer Law

Both cases involved particularly egregious breaches of the law as:

  • Empower Institute was found to have engaged in unconscionable conduct by using unethical sales tactics (eg, offers of “free laptop computers”) to sign up disadvantaged clients to expensive private education courses – the clients were mostly Indigenous, had poor literacy and numeracy skills, were from disadvantaged remote communities, and the company knew or ought to have known that most of their clients were unlikely to pass the courses but would be saddled with large student debts
  • in a well-publicised case, Volkswagen was found to have intentionally deceived regulators around the world by installing software in its vehicles to ‘cheat the test’ and comply with diesel emission standards, when in reality its cars exceeded emission standards during normal driving – this also involved false and misleading representations made to consumer

Interestingly, both of these cases were decided under the old Australian Consumer Law penalty regime whereas under the new Australian Consumer Law penalty regime (which applies to acts, omissions or offences occurring on or after 1 September 2018), the maximum penalty for companies for each contravention of the Australian Consumer Law is the greater of[...]  READ MORE →

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Corporations Act – Tougher maximum penalties & the ‘why not litigate’ mantra of ASIC

In response to the Banking Royal Commission, Parliament passed amendments to the Corporations Act which came into effect on 13 March 2019.

The effect of these changes is to significantly increase the maximum civil and criminal penalties which apply to breaches of the Corporations Act as follows:

Civil Penalties Criminal Penalties
Person The greater of:

  • $1.05 million; or
  • 3 x the benefit gained/detriment avoided
15 years imprisonment and/or the greater of:

  • $945,000; or
  • 3 x the benefit gained/detriment avoided
Company The greater of:

  • $10.5 million; or
  • 3 x the benefit gained/detriment avoided; or
  • 10% of annual turnover (capped at $525 million)
The greater of:

  • $9.45 million; or
  • 3 x the benefit gained/detriment avoided; or
  • 10% of annual turnover
Note These fines will rise over time whenever the value of a “penalty unit” changes

Other changes and responses include:

  • civil penalties now apply to a wider range of breaches under the Corporations Act
  • a new remedy of relinquishment (also known as “disgorgement of profits”) is available in civil penalty provision proceedings – this remedy is available in addition to pecuniary (criminal) penalties
  • in the wake of the Banking Royal Commission, ASIC has signalled its intention to more aggressively pursue claims against companies and individual directors through the courts, with its new mantra of “why not litigate?


In light of the increased penalties that now apply to breaches of the Corporations Act, companies must take the time to carefully review their business practices and, where necessary, strengthen their corporate governance. [...]  READ MORE →

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Reminder – The Whistleblower Policy Deadline is 1 Jan 2020


By way of refresher from our article earlier this year:

  • new whistleblower legislation commenced on 1 July 2019
  • it modified laws relating to corporations, the banking industry and insurance companies in order to:
  • provide significantly stronger protections to whistleblowers who make disclosures about matters such as corporate misconduct (e.g. fraud), criminal activity, or any other conduct that represents a danger to the public or financial system
  • expand the scope of persons who may make protected whistleblower disclosures and the circumstances in which these disclosures may be made
  • permit and protect anonymous disclosures
  • impose substantial civil and criminal penalties on any breaches of whistleblower protections (such as disclosing the whistleblower’s identity and/or causing the whistleblower detriment through victimisation)
  • the protection obligations apply to all disclosures made on or after 1 July 2019 even if the disclosure relates to suspected conduct occurring prior to that date

Mandatory Policy

Critically, the legislation requires that all public companies and large proprietary companies MUST have in place a compliant whistleblower policy by 1 January 2020 with a “large proprietary company” being a proprietary company that satisfies 2 of the following 3 criteria:

  • $50+ million in consolidated revenue
  • $25+ million or more in consolidated gross assets
  • 100 or more employees

Mandatory Terms

In order to be compliant the policy MUST include (amongst other things) information about:

  • the protections available to whistleblowers
  • how and to whom protected disclosures may be made
  • the ways the company will protect whistleblowers from detriment
  • how the company will investigate the content of protected disclosures
  • how the company will ensure fair treatment of other employees mentioned in protected disclosures that qualify for protection
  • how the policy will be communicated and made available to employees

Disclosure to Staff

Any company that is required to have a compliant whistleblower policy MUST advise their employees of the existence of, the contents of, and the means to access, the policy. [...]  READ MORE →

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Beware of Personal Guarantees

A director or shareholder of a company is often asked to provide a personal guarantee of a company’s obligations.

Any person who is considering giving a personal guarantee must be aware of the risks and pitfalls of doing so.


An agreement based personal guarantee is usually either:

  • set out in a separate document (eg, a deed of guarantee and indemnity)
  • incorporated into the main document


Whilst in the first category above it will be obvious that a personal guarantee is requested, in the second we have reviewed many contracts where the guarantee clause is ‘buried’ in the fine print of the document. [...]  READ MORE →

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New Australian Consumer Law Warranty Requirements

If you run a business that supplies goods to a “consumer” within the meaning of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) and you also provide an express warranty against defects in respect of those goods, then you will be aware that the ACL imposes mandatory wording that must accompany that warranty.

New Requirements

Changes to the ACL now mean that if you supply “services” or “goods and services” to a “consumer” within the meaning of the ACL and you provide an express warranty against defects in respect of same, then new mandatory wording applies. [...]  READ MORE →

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Workplace Update: New Whistleblower Laws

Recent events such as the raids on the ABC and other journalists have brought into focus the risks faced by whistleblowers who leak evidence of corruption or other serious crimes.

It is therefore somewhat timely that the federal parliament recently passed the Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Whistleblower Protections) Bill 2019, which substantially bolsters whistleblower protections within the private sphere.

Who do the new laws apply to?

The Bill amends the Corporations Act and other legislation (new laws) by imposing strict whistleblowing protection obligations on the following regulated entities: [...]  READ MORE →