Bully Manager Banned from the Workplace

The Fair Work Commission has shown it means business when it comes to stopping bullying in the workplace.

Fair Work Commission Orders to Stop Bullying

In September 2014:

  • the Fair Work Commission made its first orders under the new anti-bullying regime
  • the orders restricted a staff member from contacting or speaking with a fellow employee unless in an emergency or while in the presence of others

Fair Work Commission Stance on Bullying

In respect of another matter, the Fair Work Commission made the following orders/comments on 30 July 2015:

  • to stop workplace bullying and has not only banned a manager of a Melbourne company from contacting two employees, but has also banned the manager from the workplace for a period of 2 years
  • the company itself was found to have inadequate anti-bullying measures in place
  • the company was ordered to provide anti-bullying training to all employees
  • the company was ordered to update their anti-bullying policy to set out appropriate future workplace behaviour that ensures compliance with anti-bullying legislation

Tips for Employers

The decisions of the Fair Work Commission highlights the need for employers to:

  • introduce bullying policies and workplace law
  • train employees in bullying policies
  • regularly review and revise bullying policies and ensure they are in line with workplace law
  • ensure consistency between bullying policies and any other relevant policies such as grievance policies and work, health and safety policies

More Information

If you have any questions in relation to this article or if you would like advice in other employment law matters such as your employer obligations under the Fair Work Act, please feel free to speak with or email one of our specialist employment lawyers on (02) 9635 7966 or info@matthewsfolbigg.com.au